Goodbye, dear friends!
Please be safe. We love you!
It has been a whirlwind year. We started 2020 busy as can be as we planned for our largest Revolutions Festival, what would have been our 20th festival. We had to cancel the festival about 3 days in due to the pandemic. It was frantic work getting artists home and canceling all of the events. If the pandemic had hit when we were doing a company show or our education program or even if we had to cancel a tour, we might have weathered the storm. However, it hit during our biggest and most ambitious event and it just felt irresponsible to keep going with so much damage to our finances.
Some people have been a bit confused about what the closing of Tricklock means. We have closed Tricklock Performance Laboratory. We cannot continue to run a space with rent, maintenance, insurance, etc. with the dramatic financial hit. We are also closing down the company as a whole. We will not continue as the ensemble Tricklock Company. As individual artists, we are still creating. While we love everything Tricklock does, we have been talking for a while now about the need to scale back. Arts funding is hard. Balancing several jobs with the work of running a theatre is exhausting. We were on a path to make some changes before Covid hit. While we wish we could have made those changes on our own time and in own our way, we are making the best of the situation. We all have programs within Tricklock that we love. Our hope is to find a way back to some of them. They will be different, smaller and perhaps differently structured. We will not continue as Tricklock Company. If we come back, we will be different.
The hardest part in all of this is that we don’t have any definitive answers about the future. We are working on the possibilities of Revolutions, but even that is still an unknown. We are all going to take some much-needed time to rest and think over the holiday season. We hope that we will have some more information in the New Year. Our website and social media accounts will remain quiet for a while.
Everyone at Tricklock sends you all so much love.
Have a safe and happy holiday season!

The Global Corridor podcast
Have you checked out the podcast The Global Corridor? The Global Corridor is the podcast where Juli and Aaron (and guest star Elsa) talk to artists from around the world about all sorts of fascinating things. So, let's dispel the stigma around "the stranger" and connect with our global community around our humanity. Catch up now with past episodes featuring artists from Uganda, Poland, Mexico, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Australia, Haiti, and our special episode The Local Corridor, featuring some fantastic local artists.
Subscribe to the podcast and listen to Juli and Aaron Hendren chat with artists around the world! 2020 interviews focused heavily on how COVID-19 is impacting communities but in 2021 we'll explore more topics such as art, politics, food, and more.